
In 2024 BioConcept has made a substantial donation to Glückskette in favour of their collection for those affected by the severe weather in Switzerland.


Support of the Swiss research community

PhD- and postdoctoral retreats are events aiming to foster scientific exchange and progress. As scientific areas are no longer stand alone research fields and interdisciplinary research is the new gold standard, such retreats encourage the collaboration between the PhD students and postdoctoral Fellows. They have the opportunity to share their work, talk about science and build new relationships.

Petite Camargue Alsacienne Renaturalisation Project

A University of Basel research station maintains the main concept for renaturalisation that includes Konik horses and Scottish Highland cattle - both of which breeds can survive outdoors all year around - so the mosaic open land and water areas arepreserved.

Research Station Petite Camargue Alsacienne


In Isele, a small village in East African Tanzania, a new village centre is built with the help of several sponsors. An administration building with offices and a meeting room, such as a shop and an Internet café are already completed. Furthermore, there will be an economy building with workshops and a corn mill will complement the new compound. Thus, on the one hand, economic activities are promoted and, on the other hand, already existing organizations and social structures are consolidated locally. In the future, further buildings are to be built in the surrounding area and incorporated into a village structure.

Jazz and Blues Events, Marabu Blues Night

Built as a school, turned into a cinema and now a cultural institution in Gelterkinden, the Marabu has a long and fascinating history and a unique ambience. Today, the independent non-profit organization Kultur Marabu Gelterkinden puts together a diverse program and the annual Blues Night is definitely a highlight in the agenda. The live music event is dedicated to promoting blues music in Switzerland and presents local bands.



Frauenplus Baselland is an independent non-profit women’s organization dedicated to helping women and their families in difficult situations. The organization’s objective is to alleviate hardship fast and in a straightforward manner.



Tembea is the name of the new elephant enclosure in the Basel Zoo. After just over three years of construction, it opened its doors for the public in 2017. At over 5 000 m2, the new facility is two and a half times the size of the old one. The public can view the elephants in the open enclosure and the near-natural savannah landscape. In addition to African elephants, harvester ants, brown rats and a few species of fish live in the Elephant house and the enclosure provides nesting areas for birds and
accommodation for bats.

Zoo Basel